How installing high performance insulated roll up garage doors at the North Pole improved elf production and moral.

This time of year, no team is busier than the North Pole elves. As a major leader in toy manufacturing, the elf’s North Pole division works in one of the toughest climates imaginable. Recently, the elves inquired if something could be done to combat the swift gust of arctic air flowing into the facility. The elves’ boss, Mr. Kris Kringle, head of operations at Santa Claus, Inc., installed high performance insulated roll up doors throughout the facility. The change has led to increased productivity and overall morale improvement. Energy Efficient Garage Door Insulation What initially started as a search for the most energy efficient insulated roll up garage doors , led the team at Santa, Inc., to discover the truth that, for true thermal door protection, one must consider air leakage. The best thermally insulated doors provide little protection if air can simply go around the outside of it. The team discovered that high performance overhead doors significantly improve energ...